The debate over BEPS tax planning strategies has reached last few years the front pages
of the newspapers (i.e. Luxembourg leaks, Apple, Starbucks) and also the agendas of
the OECD and non-OECD member countries governments. Upon request of the G20, the
OECD published in July 2013 a document identifying the 15 Actions through which these
BEPS tax strategies can be tackled. These 15 Action Plans are focused on :
establishing coherence in international taxation,
aligning taxing rights with substance and
improving transparency.
In essence, the BEPS project pretends to align taxation with activity. Companies should
be taxed in the country/ies in which the activities are developed.
Recommendations to modify domestic law and tax treaties
The outcome of the BEPS projects would be the deliverable of recommendations per
each of the 15 detailed Action Plans. Part of these deliverables has been published in
September 2014 while others will be published in September and December 2015.
The BEPS recommendations will be modifications of domestic tax laws of each country or
their bilateral tax treaties.
Also a multilateral instrument will be developed in order to
swiftly implement the tax treaty related BEPS measures in a rapid and consistent
manner with respect to potentially more than 3000 tax treaties currently in force.
The G20 endorsed during various recent occasions the BEPS action plans and is pushing
all developed countries and also developing countries to participate. Already 60
countries participate to the BEPS project.
Tax professionals have expressed their concerns regarding the uncertainty of timing and
level of implementation of the BEPS recommendations by each of the countries in the
foreseeable future. While there are countries that are already introducing tax reforms in
line with BEPS initiatives, other countries may postpone such implementation and / or
may only partially implement recommended adjustments.
Impact to many tax planning structures
The implementation of the BEPS recommendations will be a game changer in
international taxation. The BEPS project would not only spread its effects on the biggest
multinational groups such as Apple or Starbucks, it would also affect almost all the
multinational groups (i.e. groups with entities in more than one jurisdiction).
Holding, royalty and finance structures which lack economic substance and are set up for
treaty shopping purposes may be impacted by the recommended introduction of
Limitation on Benefits provision (LoB) and/or the Principle Purpose Test (MPT) in tax
treaties. Hybrid mismatch arrangements and thinly capitalised entities will be
Transfer pricing structures the allocation of taxable profits needs to be
aligned with economic activities and value creation in the respective countries.
Aggressive structures have to be disclosed and transfer pricing transactions needs to be
properly documented and filed to give tax authorities more transparent information.
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